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Junk Food Lover Quotes

Junk Food Lover Quotes

Last Updated on April 23, 2022 by Jim Edwards

If you’re reading this site, we have a good guess that you enjoy and love junk food – right?!

Many people LOVE junk food. And we mean the people who are not afraid to admit it. The surprise is so many celebrities and other famous people love junk food. Maybe that’s why our website is so popular?

Anyway, here are our favorite quotes.

Junk Food Lover Quotes

  1. “Believe it or not, American eat 75 acres of pizza a day.” – Boyd Matson
  2. “It requires a certain kind of mind to see beauty in a hamburger bun.” – Ray Kroc
  3. “I was eating bad stuff. Lots of sugar and carbs, junk food all the time. It makes you very irritated.” – Avril Lavigne
  4. “Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and the junk food as far away as possible.” – Krista Scott-Dixon
  5. “When the waitress asked if I wanted my pizza cut into four or eight slices, I said, ‘Four. I don’t think I can eat eight.” – Yogi Berra
  6. “You can do good work simply staying up all night and eating nothing but junk food, but probably not in the long term.” –John Mulaney
  7. “If I could be doing anything, I’d be laying on the floor in my birthday suit eating junk food and watching something dumb on TV.” — Anita Baker
  8. “When I’m under stress, I do yoga. It’s when I’m happiest that I have a problem with junk food.” — Britney Spears
  9. “Everyone would be healthier if they didn’t eat junk food.” — Robert Atkins
  10. “I was always a junk food person, still am.” Dolly Parton
  11. “Just because the Americans are so good at rattling out accessible and cheap junk food, nobody looks twice when it comes to their food. But there are golden nuggets everywhere.” Jamie Oliver
  12. “I have a confession to make – I am very fond of junk food.” Siddharth Shukla
  13. “For all the concern about bodies and weight, ‘Baywatch’ has three huge catering trucks on the set at all times. One for entrees, one appetizers and one for junk food.” Nicole Eggert
  14. “I like junk food, French fries, hamburgers – I love it.” Rain
  15. “Kashi looks like twigs, so it makes me feel like I’m healthy. This cereal has been with me since childhood. Once a year in my family, we had a junk food day. I could eat Cocoa Crisps and Fruit Loops. Now I’m back eating Kashi. As much as I hate to admit it, my mother has won.” Nick Kroll
  16. “Nobody had ever told me junk food was bad for me. Four years of medical school, and four years of internship and residency, and I never thought anything was wrong with eating sweet rolls and doughnuts, and potatoes, and bread, and sweets.” Robert Atkins
  17. “A society that thinks the choice between ways of living is just a choice between equally eligible ‘lifestyles’ turns universities into academic cafeterias offering junk food for the mind.” George Will
  18. “My parents always wanted me to know why eating healthfully was important to overall performance, probably to drown out my whining for junk food.” Daphne Oz
  19. “I love eating junk food. I’m a huge snacker, chips and candy.” Jeremy Lin
  20. “I’m not the healthiest eater; I’ll admit that. I love junk food.” Sara Sampaio
  21. “I eat junk food, cheesecake, cheese, pizza – but just lower amounts of it.” JWoww
  22. “I was eating bad stuff. Lots of sugar and carbs, junk food all the time. It makes you very irritated. Avril Lavigne Time Food Bad I don’t eat a lot of junk food anymore, but I sure remember it. I used to go through boxes of Little Debbies. I liked Star Crunch, and of course those oatmeal pies.” CeeLo Green
  23. “I love all kinds of bread. Whenever I crave junk food, I want salty things like peanuts or potato chips.” Tyra Banks
  24. “I worked in McDonald’s, but I didn’t mind it. You got free cheeseburgers. I love eating a bit of junk food.” Keeley Hawes
  25. “If I eat junk food and have a workout the next day, I feel a significant difference in the way my body responds to exercise. I’m sluggish, tired and run out of energy very quickly.” Josie Loren
  26. “I eat whatever I want, junk food included.” Vanessa Marcil
Read ->  5 Yummy Fruit Snacks to Relive Childhood Memories

Related: Learn about National Junk Food Day. And if you have issues with gluten be sure to see our gluten free junk food list


If you’re reading this post, and our website, we KNOW you love some good junk food! But if it you love it too much, be sure to read about 9 simple tricks to stop eating junk food.

Hope you enjoyed these quotes. If you know other good ones we should use, please contact us and share.

PS – You might also like our Hilarious quotes about Junk Food too!

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